Monday, March 28, 2011

Ready for Spring

We're ready for spring!  We bought our seeds for our gardens and we planted two kinds of vegetables.  If all the seeds make it we'll have 50 tomato plants and 30 pepper plants!  What are the odds?

Other plants we hope to grow in our garden this year include: snow peas, pole beans, yellow squash, acorn squash, lettuce, watermelons, garlic, onions, potatoes, cosmos and morning glories. 

Come on spring! We're ready for open windows and warm walks on the Perkiomen Trail. What are you waiting for?

Below are a few more pictures of our house.  One is of the cats new favorite place to sit!
The other two are for my sister-in-law Bec. They are of our second bathroom.  If you enjoy airplane bathrooms, come right on over. We have one in our house!
Tomato and Pepper Seeds are planted!

Clara up to mischief sitting on the mantle

This is our Airplane bathroom

Miniscule sink!


  1. nice bunch of seed starts - hope they all pop up! We are waiting for the warm weather, too and have a load of topsoil for the backyard. Might move the garden out there - more sun. An airline bathroom is perfect for the upstairs - har de har! xoxo, love mom and dad
