Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Settling In

 Its been an exhausting couple of weeks but we are officially emerging out of box-land and we praise God for giving us a new home. We've had a bit of fun discovering bulbs and beginning our compost. Next we have to get our garden soil ready for planting!
Our kitchen feels homey now that we've made a few meals here , especially cookies in a working oven!

Feeling at home with tea cups ready for tea. Come on over friends!

A fireplace! We've had one almost every night. Almost all of our books fit in our "library" and this is an amazing feat indeed.  

The Music Room- praise God the piano fit! Not sure what we'd do if it hadn't fit. 

Our guest room/study is sunny!

Adam's Office with a fine view of our trees. 
The cats are feeling quite at home, letting us know they approve of the toilet paper. Or maybe this means they don't approve? Who knows- either way they had a little too much fun here. 


  1. Your new home looks so cozy and inviting - we can hardly wait to come for a visit. We also praise God for His wonderful provision. Be sure the cats buy some new rolls of tp! XOXOXO, love, mom and dad

  2. Love your new place! The family room is so warm and inviting. You did such a great job with it. Could you please post a picture of your upstairs bathroom? ;)
