Friday, April 19, 2019

Showers of Flowers

 How we are enjoying the burst of bloom around our home.  As we prepare for Easter we are rejoicing in the new life around us! We've been ever so busy with visits from dear people and trips to see Nana and to Mom's grave on her birthday.  How thankful we are that because of Christ's death and resurrection we have hope of true life eternal!

Monday, April 1, 2019

The blur that was March

 Here we are to April 1 and I realize March blurred by in a haze of continued morning sickness and busy learning days.  We're finishing up co-op activities, preparing for ballet recitals and slowly preparing for spring.  As we smelled the dirt in our seedlings we breathed deep for it has felt like a long winter. The sun grows stronger and the peeping frogs have returned.  We wait for warm temperature but are thankful that the signs are coming!