Monday, May 27, 2013

The Perkiomen Trail

 The Perkiomen Trail is one of our most favorite haunts.  Bluebell season was especially lovely.  Emmeline loves walks on the trail and usually takes a nap or two.  We had some nice walks with Granddad and a few cool ones in the last week.

And then there were some really hots days- so Emmie and her friend River had fun in the pool.  

And just because I love this face so.......

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


There's a lot happening around our house these days- we're enjoying some spring traditions, trying new foods and making new faces

Beet/Avocado/Spinach Salad

Emmeline's Quilt is almost done- made from Mom Kleeman's clothes

Our springtime tradition- Rustic Berry Tart

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Seven Months

Our sweet baby is half a year plus a month! She's so busy trying to stand and walk on her own, trying to eat the cats and furniture, books and paper. She's already showing her naughty side by crawling directly to the cat dish at the first possible moment, placing her hand in the dish and then looking up at us.  We didn't think we could possibly love her more than we did before, but somehow we do. Little Emmeline, you are a joy and a gift and we treasure each day with you. You also keep us on our toes.  As we finish up our dissertations you help by doing calculations on the calculator, by taking all the books off the shelves, by listening to Bach music all day long and by providing all the comic relief a tiny family of three plus four cats could ever need.  We love you darling Emmie B and thank God for your life.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Week in Pictures

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Sometimes words don't do justice to the joy that Emmeline has brought to our home.  So, here are pictures from a very busy week with a very busy little lady.