Friday, July 29, 2016

Hot and dry

Its been really hot, so hot that the Littles don't even want to go in the baby pool, so hot that clothes are optional and sweaty hair the norm. Papa was away this week so we had a Granddad date and had odd play activities such as playing with all the winter hats in air conditioning and eating kefir popsicles in the tub. Our vegetables are a bit of a bust once again. Black walnut trees and gardens = no! But we've been enjoying the CSA farm we joined and are loving the farm stand produce.  We picked our first (and perhaps only) tomato from our plants today. The girls held it as if it was gold. Maybe it is.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summer days

Our summer days are full. Lots of hard play outside, flower projects, swinging on swings and porch rockers, watering dying plants and staying cool. More often than not, the Littles around here look like Lena does below.  But how we're loving being outside!!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Mountain getaway

We escaped to the mountains for four days and enjoyed quiet on a pond/lake (we're not sure) with Oma and Opa. The girls were over the moon to spend time together and the highlights of the trip included a big black bear that visited us as well as a swimming muskrat, herons, a fishing cat and numerous deer, turtles and frogs.  We spent time at Dingman's Falls and a picnic by the river. We read and slept and skipped rocks, had a fire pit supper and many a game of Go Fish. It did our hearts good.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Dear July,

Dear July,

 I don't know why but you feel different this year. It sure feels like summer now. We've had our campfire s'mores and live in bathing suits and the backyard. We went to a band concert at the park. Lena Sue was sure they were playing way too loud and let them know!  We rock on the porch and watch the birds bathe in their bath. Its really hot! We went out for dinner for our eighth (gasp!) anniversary and since we had no babysitter the girls came too.  But seriously, this summer feels like summer with two toddlers and one of them is verging on little girlhood. My goodness. Its something to marvel about.  Emmie B started piano. It just happened over night. We made a chart, she learned two songs, we bought a book. And then..... she does nothing else but play her pieces and beg for more.  Lena discovered books, not the reading at bedtime with Mama books, but sit on the floor surrounded by books all afternoon books.  Its sweet watching them discover and move into new seasons of life.

Its been eight years of being married. How thankful I am to have lived those eight years with Adam. We've traveled a long road. There were the two weddings (one in ICU and one at church), there was mourning Mom, losing jobs, moving three times, grieving again our sweet babe, doing two Phds at the same time, finishing a Phd, having heart surgery twice, buying a Pipe Organ Company and raising two daughters. If it was up to us we'd not have made it I'm sure. Life was, and is, too hard. But the covenant we made in 2008 stays strong because our God is faithful and is carrying us along in His grace.