Tuesday, November 21, 2017


We are thankful for many thing: for warm fires and cozy evenings, for the safe arrival of little Judah Dietterich, for tea parties and silly cats, for dressing up, for outdoor romps and learning time together, for our family, for sweet friends and for the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

In our weather study we learned about ice and painted our frozen friends with salt water 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Capturing sunlight

We're busy beavers around our house, capturing sunshine every chance we get, spending time outside, listening and looking, learning and playing.  We've spend a considerable amount of time this fall at the Peace Valley Nature Center. This year we have avid birdwatchers who know how to keep quiet and know how to recognize 5 or so birds by call.  We've also had many visits with beloved friends, a super fun Harvest Festival (princess and Laura Ingalls of course)  and happy learning days at home. We're sad to see the sun less and the air chill but we're also looking forward to quiet, restful winter days ahead.