Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Reluctant Spring

Spring is chilly and late this year, but I marvel at the way God brings new life once again. Each day I notice new leaves appearing, unfurling like delicate lace on the long tree arms.  This green is new and vibrant, coating the world in fresh beauty. Even the weeds are delicate, reaching heavenward. We smell lilac as we walk to the library, discover the magenta blush of the dogwood and laugh at the chickens' delight at newly sprung grass.  We are reminded of the new life Christ brought when He did not remain in the grave, but rose victorious. Spring shouts this to us, even if it is a reluctant spring. 

We have entered a new cycle of learning, one of field trips and nature walks, finishing books and pursuing unit studies of interest. We are preparing for recitals and performances and planning new gardens as we wait for warmer temperatures.  Each day these little women surprise me with their imaginative life, and I rejoice to see the reappearance of book characters and historical figures in their play.  An appliance box has become a store and I hear shouts of snake discoveries out in the woods! Motherhood is always a bit of a shock. You never know what each day will bring. Two year olds are especially creative in this and Phoebe knows it well!

This year we dyed eggs with herbal tea and the girls experienced their first Passover Seder on Maundy Thursday. We took a trip to learn about the Liberty Bell and are deep in Revolutionary War history. I'm thankful to have finished our second and fourth grade years well and I rejoice that learning isn't relegated to days or logs, but is the rhythm of our pilgrim lives. The habits we nurture will bear fruit forever and we plant seeds and water little hearts, (and big ones) that Christ might do His good work there.