Friday, July 15, 2022

Birdie is Three

Our Phoebe girl is three! Birdie has grown so much in the last year, in mind, body and soul.  She has become a little lady and tries very hard to keep up with big sisters. She's tried the cello, has been "doing school" and knows some ABC's (P of course), loves to do dot to dot and watercolor and can play a scale on the piano.  She still does not like to sleep and much prefers to be active until she crashes. Phoebe loves to go to the garden to pick and eat beans. She does not like "pomatoes" (tomatoes) but loves lettuce like her Papa. She is good with the chickens and loves the cats very much.  She takes her chores of feeding them very seriously.  Phoebe is a talker for sure.  And many of her phrases are ones that I want to always remember.  She likes to go see the "bibbits", to put on "sunscream", watching "passingball" (basket ball), seeing the "bampsters" (lobsters) and having a "bug bit". 

Phoebe Hope we love you so and pray that with each passing year God will bless you and keep you and make known His ways to your heart.