Sunday, November 20, 2022


And just like that, our Indian summer is over and we've had our first snow.  We're settling into tea and stove mode and Christmas music is often heard coming from the music room.  There is a fair bit of nesting too as we prepare for Baby's winter arrival.  But in the meantime we're finishing up Term 1 of our school year with field trips to places George Washington visited, visits with Nana for her 98th birthday, golden hikes on the Perkiomen Trail and lots and lots of make believe.  Living history is really the best.... our afternoon read alouds by the fire often spur an impromptu Shakespeare performance or a re-enactment of an historical event.  Current interests at 10, 8 and 3 include colonial cooking, learning to drive the tractor, firewood gathering, Irish fiddle music, and science experiments (currently finishing up the Muscular System).  A few "phoebeisms" I hope to never forget include: "I have an ear confection"  (ear infection), "I really like Anne of Green Bagels" (Anne of Green Gables), "Do not give me an apple because Adam sinned with his apple".........