Monday, January 27, 2014

...adventures of a growing toddler...

One of Momma's piano students supplied this hand-me-down rocking chair,
lately repaired and repainted by Granddad.

It's a good job these paper towels can take a lot of abuse.

Teething popsicles and a big girl

Emmie's fascination these last two weeks has been sitting in the big kitchen chairs.  She likes to sit there to read, or "have tea" or kiss the table. Kisses are many around here.  She's also been getting lots of teeth all at once and when all normal teething remedies failed us I resorted to making up yogurt/berry popsicles.  They seem to make her mouth feel better, however they require disposable diaper only attire due to the staining blueberries.  A bit of summer fun in the middle of winter- Emmie loves to run around in just her diaper, especially if it means a popsicle. She's also so excited about her new trash picked rocking chair. This child likes to move! 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

To remember

 This past week was full of busy teaching days and slow snowed in days.  But there are many precious memories I want to remember.  Our week was full of lots of silly Emmie moments, including new dinner time hairdos, two molars and lots of tears, a 15 month check up, more snow and the arrival of a new playmate! This week brought lots of resting time for Mama as little sister is already bringing about contractions.  At 15 months Emmie is 22 pounds and 31 inches tall.  Her vocabulary includes new words such as  recorder, Jesus, blueberries, applesauce, cow, button, shoes and socks.  She spends many hours playing with her puzzles, coloring, rocking in her tiny rocking chair, pretending with her baby and reading her books out loud to us.  She's become a climber and likes to sit at the kitchen table like a big girl.  The highlights of the day continues to be the arrival of Papa and bubbles at bath time.  I want to always remember the little moments with our sweet baby in these normal, every day moments of life.

Sporting the new hairdo

Snuggling with Aunt Debbie during a lesson day
Playing with friend River while singing the ABCs
The arrival of Matthew Ryan- our newest playmate! Welcome baby Matthew!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow day

All is covered in white outdoors. Our road, ever busy, is even quiet.

I break from my research on Bach and seventeenth century hymnals for a moment to publicly reflect on the profundity of God's blessing on my life. 

Across the room are my two (well, three, really) girls. A very dear friend, who recently celebrated the birth of his third child and first son, once told me that his daughters were the light of his life. At the time I thought "oh that's nice."

Now, Dan, I get it. 

As it turns out many of our deepest experiences in life truly defy expression. But I would say, without hesitation, that our little family is the light of my life. 

Beyond that I am blessed with a job that I love, with an employer who respects my priorities. (

Above all that God the Father has called me to Himself in Christ the Son and given me new life in the Spirit. 

Enjoy the snow, folks. It's a cold, windy day outside. But I'm in here enjoying warmth and comfort, and a little one running towards me, arms outstretched. 



Friday, January 17, 2014

It's a......


We're thrilled to learn that our second baby is healthy and growing and is a girl! Emmeline will have a sister and we couldn't be more delighted.  We're praising God for this little daughter.

Friday, January 10, 2014

In the bleak midwinter

We've had many cold, dark and snowy days around here. So we've been digging around for happy projects, bursts of color and things to make us smile.  It seems that 2014 will have a lot of growing going on- Mama is growing a baby, Emmie is growing up into a toddler, projects grow slow stitch by slow stitch.  

We've had repair work this last week on the electrical poles right outside our house. Emmeline is fascinated by the men going up the bucket. But she doesn't understand why Papa does not come inside to see her. She sees a man in a bundled coat and hat and thinks it is Papa.  So she calls for him and waits. Eventually, around 5:30 he does come inside. But little does she know he builds organs by day not electrical poles.  

Snow days- it feels like a true winter here

20 Weeks! Half way there- woo hoo! 

This is a slow slow project nowadays, but the color is nice in the winter doldrums

I am knitting a pair of socks for myself! What a novelty- most likely I will not be finished for another 5 years, but it feels nice to see rows growing in such a nice purple color
The cats are depressed- the baby pulls their tails and loves on them a bit too much and they can't go outside!

This violet was lovely and I meant to take a picture of this burst of color in my kitchen. But it was eaten by a cat who shall remain nameless before I could snap a picture. Still- a reminder of spring
And last but not least, our laugher for the day. Emmie was doing so well using her spoon with yogurt
until she decided to try to drink it out of the bowl.  

Friday, January 3, 2014


We've had a lovely and full week of visitors to end last year and begin the next.  Hye-Jin came for a long-awaited meeting of Emmeline. We're so glad you were in town! We had a delightful time day together. Can it really have been two years since we've seen you?  Our dear friend Marshall spent New Years Day with us and we shared a turkey dinner.  Emmie spent both days dancing and watching, giving kisses and sharing all of her toys to her friends.  In between we've had tea by the fire in the evenings, more friends over, watching the snow, playing in the snow, soup many evenings and a little more progress using a spoon. As you can tell from the last picture we still have a few things to work on in that department. Now we're back to evening dissertation editing and piano teaching but this little hiatus with fellowship and visitors was a welcome time. 

carrot ginger soup with a dollop of yogurt and cilantro