Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I think the animals may be smarter than we are.  There is something about hibernating that makes so much sense.  We've been in the land of cough and croup and have had to hibernate here. We've missed church, events and sleep.  But in the dreariness of winter we've been so happy to enjoy the birds who visit us on our porch. We moved some feeders and brought them closer. The cats and children are thrilled.  I find them peaceful and joyful. Bluebirds have been here for weeks, which is an unexpected thrill. I hope they find good spots for nests as they scout for spring.  Claude the old cat had surgery and we are all learning to let life simmer slower. As usual we find ourselves color starved this time of year and break out the paints, get some gorgeous flowers and drink in their scents and vibrancy and decide that really, spring can come early. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

All things new

 Christmas has passed us by in a whirl and suddenly we're in a new year.  We had many lovely visits with family and friends and a rather unpleasant visit from a mouse family who decided to eat the van sparkplug for Christmas dinner. Now we're in the thick of frigid weather, but there's something about January sunlight that seems brighter, whiter, warmer? Is it my imagination??  With chili in the crockpot today and tea perpetually warming us I'm already dreaming of springtime. As we begin a new year I am thinking of the One who makes all things new and I am praying for a year of joy.