Tuesday, May 21, 2019


 Dear Lena,
      Sweet girlie, you are five!!  This week I  have been remembering your birthday- your sudden arrival almost a month early, fast and furious, with spirit, just like you.  I'm not really sure how it's been so long already, but we love you dearly and we thank God for your life.  You are strong, beautiful, smart and energetic. You feel everything so deeply. When you are happy you are so very happy and when you are sad, you are Puddleglum and Eyore all mashed into one.  You have learned to read and you are so pleased. You are good at numbers and have a beautiful voice. We think you even have perfect pitch.  You like veggies and fruit most right now and adore your big sister Emmeline. (Most of the time). You can be shy but you love fiercely. Your favorite color is purple and your favorite animal is the flamingo.  Here are a few of your phrases I want to always remember:  "the windwipers are really going mama",  "can you shut my blinders " (shades), "I want to sleep in my sleep sack tonight"  (sleeping bag)...   Lena darling, you see the world through your own wonderful eyes and we're all still trying to catch up to you. How we love you.  Happy Birthday.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Spring Happenings

 In the whirl of spring activities we have been trying to slow down enough to savor the beautiful spring awakening. We went for a walk on the Perkiomen Trail in the rain just so we could see the bluebells, the fiddleheads, the buttercups. We've spent time getting dirty in our soil planting tomatoes, lettuce, celery, radish, strawberries, carrots, zucchini, squash, potatoes, basil, thyme, oregano, onions. We've had piano and ballet recitals and have become the proud owners of eight chickens! As we wrap up our school year we are savoring all of the new life around us.