Monday, September 28, 2015

Goodbye Summer

Dear Summer,

We had a lovely time. But now you are leaving us. And we're a bit sad.  We've been trying to squeeze in a few more picnics at the parks, a few more falling into the river and getting all wet, a few more afternoons outside in the golden sunlight. But the truth is, Autumn is here. The leaves are crunching and brown. The air is brisk at night and we're pulling out blankets and sweaters, eyeing our firewood piles to see what we need and finding our tea.  Now we're learning colors by button sorting, playing wooden matching games, getting more teeth (!), and playing in big boxes. See you next year. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

So this is happening

Just a quick post this morning showing little miss E, who just started reading words for the first time a couple nights ago.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sixteen Months

Dear Lena,
     The summer and autumn days are mingling together and somewhere in there you've turned sixteen months.  You are so so busy little lady!  You are such a mover. You can't be still.  You rock in your high chair, you run, you jump, you follow after every one.  But crash from exhaustion.  You don't want to sleep. It is as if you are afraid you'll miss something, so you hang on until at the last minute you just fall asleep.  You are talking a lot, though sometimes you make up your own little ideas.  Recently "doodle" means dinner or food.  I think you associated Emmie asking for "noodles" (her favorite) at meal time. But who knows.  Either way, when it is time for "doodles" you just get in your chair and wait. And by wait I mean, you make a racket. It doesn't matter if you've just eaten, you still expect more. You eat so much and yet you're in the lowest percentile!! It must be because you're so busy!  Right now your two favorite people are Papa and Emmeline. You don't like being away from either of them and search the house when they can't be found.  Mama is who you want when tired or upset. But Papa and Emmie are your happy people.  You have taken an interest in coloring, in baby dolls in all animals. You think turkeys are the funniest things in the world. You still don't like books. You still love sausage best of all.  You have a little temper now and we're working on that right now. You clench your fists and pound them sometimes in deeds of misbehavior. When you like something you go "mmmmmm".  When you're happy you are ever so happy and when you are sad, oh dear. Look out!  Dearest Lena we love you!  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Dear Emmie b,

There are so many wonderful memories I want to treasure and remember forever. Here are a few: 

- "Is it tomorrow now?"
- "I don't remember they name"
- "Will you read me another song, Momma?"
- "I want yellow cupcakes with yellow icing. Yellow is my favorite"
- "I slept big Momma"
- "What friends are they" when seeing pictures in a magazine of children
-"My shirt has a hang nail"- a string was coming off 
-"My bed is softie"
-"I do the potty like a big one. I'm proud of you" (meaning are you proud of me?)
- "Holy Holy Holy.....  mercity and mighty"  (merciful and mighty)
-"I want to sing Jesus Loves Me This I Know For The Bible Tells Me So" (every time... the full title)
-"Maybe Lena needs me....." (Right you are girlie)
-"Güte Nacht, Sleep tight, don't get out of bed, I love you, kiss...." (all in one breath)

I want to remember the squinty eyes and cheesy smile, your fine wispy brown hair that has golden highlights, your little voice singing hymns to Lena when she would get upset, the times you remember to read God's Word after dinner when we don't, the way you HAVE to roll your underwear down, your strong dislike of jeans, the way you cuddle in bed at night saying, "mm mm", your goodnight routines, your strong need for alone time, the way you draw circles, your deeply sensitive heart, your love of smells, your fear of dogs but courage to try them out and your love of cranberry juice. I love you little girl of mine! And I shall treasure you always. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

To Canandaigua.... and back

This week we went to visit our dear friend in New York. We drove through golden fields and enjoyed the beautiful lakes at the tail end of our summer along with wonderful fellowship with two beloved former professors and their families.  We won't mention the crying all the way down and back, nor the lack of sleeping or naps that occurred thanks to a teething 15 month old.  Oh my.  Instead we'll think of the happy memories we made with our little girls and dear friends. Here's to more visits and less crying!