Friday, April 24, 2015

Two and a half

Dear Emmeline,

Sweet girl you are growing up before our eyes. One night you go to sleep a baby and the next you wake up a little girl.  I can hardly believe how magical these days have been with you and your sister.  Your little personality is still mostly the same as it has been when a baby. You take a while to warm up to people or situations and need to know you are not alone. But when you do warm up-watch out. Hugs, chatty conversations, stories and songs all burst out around those you love.  You are so smart and have your Papa's memory. You do not ever forget anything anyone has said or a song you've heard. Sometimes you are smarter than we are. We don't know what you are talking about.  You are talkative now, especially when you are happy.  Your favorite color is yellow and you like asking everyone about their favorite color. You know your ABCs and numbers, shapes, colors, catechism and Psalm 23. You love art projects and ballet. You actually have good rhythm, and can play a scale on the piano. You are considering violin, cello and trumpet.  You do not like sirens, lions, ants or bears. You are a sleep walker and although you usually sleep 12 hours you've begun surprising us at the crack of dawn. In those moments you could "talk the hind leg off a mule".  You have a very tender heart and cry if someone else is sad or if something didn't go as you had hoped.  Your favorite books right now are "Corduroy", "Go Dogs Go", Richard Scarry books, books about farms, gardens, animals, lightning bugs and cats. You are fascinated with boo boos, bandaids, clouds, firetrucks, steam, putting babies to bed.  You have given up your "nuk" (pacifier) and adopted Nancy, your new dollie, with great love.  You are becoming a little mother, always watching out for Lena, stopping her from doing a naughty deed and wanting to feed her.  You prayed for the first time, all on your own and say "gute nacht" at bedtime. Darling girl you are our joy and blessing. How we love you and rejoice in your growth and knowledge of God and His world.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Eleven Months

Our sweet girl,
   You are almost a year old and what a sweet blessing to have known you this long!  As the grass begins to turn green and buds open up on trees I remember waiting expectantly for your arrival last spring. Here we are now. God is good.  You are 17 pounds and have gotten really long.  You want to walk so badly but speed crawl after Emmeline as fast as your wee legs will take you.  You are hungry! You continue to amaze us with the variety of foods you eat and you eat an adult portion at almost every meal.  You must have a fast metabolism.  You are a talker and have quite the vocabulary already:  no no, bye bye, round and round, thank you, baa baa, peek a boo, cat, ball, Momma, Papa, baby, swish, night night, stinky.  You copy everything Miss E does. If she pulls her bib off, then you want yours off too. If she laughs, you laugh.  This month you were finally diagnosed with hip dysplasia of both hips and have to sleep in a brace.  You are such a good sport about it, but secretly you are trying to learn how to take it off.  It doesn't stop you from standing in your crib and now when you see it you start sucking your fingers as if you know it is time for night night. We pray it helps you heal and grow and we're thankful for a good doctor who helped us figure it out.  You're in physical therapy once a week for your hip. You and Emmie love your PT lady and she marvels at your determination, your courage and vocabulary.  You seem to us to be so social, chatty and gregarious. You don't like being alone (like Emmie does sometimes) and you thrive on stimulation and activities.  You love songs and sing along with the hymns and doxology at church, adding a little dance move.  You shake your head when you are being silly and have no fear of anything. You love dogs, vacuums, blenders, loud sounds.  If only we'd known that in those early sleepless nights.  Ha ha!  Darling baby, your eyes are still a pool of green, blue, hazel, and grey.  You have a bit more hair that seems to be light brown. You are smart, loving, musical, gentle and beautiful. You and your sister are gifts from God!


Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16th.....upon your birthday

Dearest Momma,

Today is your birthday. You would've been 64.  What are earth years when you are singing the everlasting song of joy to your Creator? Still, I miss you and I love looking through these old pictures of you as a young mother. In those moments when it feels unfair that you are not here, when I wish to ask you ever so many questions and share so many beautiful new memories, my heart is still because I have not lost, only been given you for a season, and that is the blessing.  All I ever need know about life is what you taught me "seek first His kingdom"......  I will love you always. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

He is Risen!

He is risen indeed!  Experiencing Holy Week and Easter through the fresh eyes of a child brings a new type of joy to remembering and rejoicing in the resurrection of Jesus.  Ever since Easter Day Emmie jumps up and down shouting "He is alive"!!  She tells me that Jesus got a big boo boo but he did not stay in the cave!  And really- that about sums it up doesn't it?  We had a joyful time together worshiping and sharing a meal. Emmeline really wanted to bring her (toy) trumpet to play up front with Papa.  Soon enough little lady, soon enough.  We had fourteen for Easter meal together and Emmie could not decide on her Easter dress, so she wore both of them. She loves to get dressed up!