Sunday, May 19, 2024

Lena is Ten!

Dearest Lena Lu,

    You are ten years old. Single digit days are behind you now and what a young lady you are becoming.  It's hard to believe so much time has passed since that day you decided to be born so fast that even Papa barely made it in time! And yet, I would not trade all of the years with you and all of the ways you are growing in grace and beauty.  This year has not been your easiest, but you've pressed on with courage through health struggles and stressful seasons.  You are finding ways to voice your fears and trust the Lord, which is a mark of great maturity.  And oh how proud we are.  At ten you love many things. You do many things so well. You are musical, playing two instruments and singing your sweet bird like voice throughout the house.  I want to remember these years as your "collecting" years. You see beauty and you gather it. You like rocks, shells, flowers, feathers, keys, glass jars. You are quite the big sister and can handle not only diapers, but a fussy baby and toddler all at once.  You love your kitties and are a good chicken mama too.  (If only they would stop eating their eggs) Your favorite times are spent in the Forest Bakery, in the woods, or perhaps your fairy garden.  Your imagination is just as wild as I hoped it would be and it is fed by good books. I now have two book girls and it's quite lovely.  Your favorite color is pink but you are not afraid to get muddy and do hard work outside. You love your sisters fiercely and your baby brother you dote on.  You do not like asparagus. You love listening to audio books as you go about your day and have discovered the classical radio station.  I love hearing you and your sisters tell me that you must be back for the 1 pm broadcast of Madam Butterfly.  You have strong opinions and you're not afraid to share them! You are a bit of a philosopher, always asking deep questions and thinking about things. You are feeling the already but not yet state of this post-Edenic world but you are learning that just like Esther, God has chosen you to be here for such a time as this. You love babies and caring for people and your heart is very tender.  I can't wait to see how God will lead you in the coming year. Keep looking up dear heart and may God bless you always. Happy Birthday! 


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