Thursday, October 27, 2016

Of being four and two.....

Suddenly we have a four year old and a two year old. What a busy two weeks we had with birthday celebrations, ballet recitals, library trips, lunch with friends, leave piles and a wedding. It should be no surprise that now we're sick with colds, resting and hibernating by the fireplace as the days get cooler and darker. Still, I want to always remember these special stages.  Lena is chatting away and has some very funny phrases:  "I listen to "nusic" now", "I Lub you",  "Thats a big spider web" (when she saw a batting cage), "I put on ballet now",  " I love hot godge"  (hot dogs), "Do you need to Bacuum", "Please have a snoodie" (smoothie- aka kefir), "I don't", (I don't want to),  "That fish is wearing its swimmies" (When seeing a fish at the doctor's office), "It is ok, I give you a hug", "Fara is shy" (when talking about Clara, the cat), "The Ambulam is coming" (when hearing a siren). Emmeline suddenly developed a love of folding laundry, tying shoes, reading books, counting to 10 in French and writing words. 

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