Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Darling Emmeline,

You are four! It amazes my heart heart that so much time has passed and that you are so grown up already. But it also seems like you were always here apart of our lives. You are our beautiful, smart, gentle hearted daughter and we cherish you and praise God for the gift you are to us! You still have light blue eyes and long brown hair with reddish sunlit tints. It is fine and silky. You love books, stories, telling stories, making up songs, singing, playing piano, ballet, Irish music, hop scotch, make believe, numbers, art projects and making gifts for people you love. You cry easily when there is an upset or someone else you know is sad, and this shows us your generous heart. You love to sing Holy Holy Holy and are working through memorizing the catechism. You love puzzles and games. You are a little mother, scolding your cats for not sharing and helping little sister Lena with her boots or shoes. You love sunshine and swinging, nature hunts and Papa dates. You do not like spiders or dogs. Your current favorite food is salad.  Dearest little one, how we pray that God will bless and keep you this day and all of the days of your life. We pray He will guard your heart and yet give you great love, that He will give you joy and hope overflowing. 

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