Saturday, March 12, 2016

Ireland- there and back again

Last week I traveled to Belfast, Ireland for my Viva, or in US terms, my thesis defense. By God's mercy it was successful and I have been granted my Phd degree. Praise the Lord. After many years of working in the deep night and fringe hours, this tired Mama is finished and happy to close the chapter.  Studying Bach's Cantatas and the contextual environment in which he composed those works has been one of the deepest blessings of my life.  But, woo hoo. I am SO glad to have passed. 
It took a great many people walking alongside these years, reading, editing, translating and many a helpful family member and parent.  This week especially it took extra time of from my beloved husband, extra babysitting hours and days from friends and Oma and Opa. We all may need a few weeks to recover. But my deepest thanks goes to everyone. Both flights were rather stressful with long delays and 20 plus hours of travel. The jet lag was the worst its ever been coupled with the stress and sleeplessness prior the trip. But Dad and I had a great trip and saw some beautiful parts of Northern and Western Ireland.  Dad was brave and rented a car, driving the numerous round a bouts like a champ, albeit on the wrong side of the road.  I missed the girls and Adam fiercely and I'm not sure I ever want to go through that part of it again. But everyone had some special Papa time and great days in Lebanon with family.  Here's to post-doctoral life and some good healthy re-establishment of life rhythms that do not include thesis editing. 


  1. Woo hoo and a huge way to go!! We were blessed many times over with your successful conclusion of this arduous journey and the time we had with Emmie and Lena and Adam at home. Hope you can get back into the "boring" life at home - you were missed so very much and praise God that you and Charlie arrived home intact! Much XOXO and love from Oma and Opa

  2. Also, congratulations Dr. Kleeman-Dieffenbach! And thanks for the super photos - what a lovely land. XO from Oma and Opa
