Wednesday, December 30, 2015

To remember: Emmeline at age 3

Little Emmie B. You are three and have been for a bit.  But three really is a marvel. You make us laugh. You make us cry. You are an incredible little person and I want to remember these days.  As you grow, your awareness of the world around you, of your Creator, of yourself begins to fit together as pieces in a  puzzle. This Advent you have really begun to understand the Nativity and have been re-enacting it every day. You have begun to pray and sometimes the list of those you pray for (and love) can go on for 10 minutes.  You understand death, birth, sorrow and joy, fear and hope.  You are learning self-control, patience and last night you told me "I want to pray to Jesus to help me not hurt people on their ears because that hurts a lot".  Wise people have told me that we should teach you while your heart is tender, about Jesus, and how true it is that your heart is ripe and ready, full of belief in a Savior. Last night you told me that you can't see Jesus now, but it's ok because He is still here and Someday, in tomorrow, you'll see Him for real with Grandmom. You revel in the simple beauties of the day- you thanked Jesus for sparkles, for candles, for snow. You love the color yellow with a passion. You are enraptured with the way you can draw many different shapes and identify the first letters of words or names of people you know. We love you dearly.

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