Monday, January 14, 2013

You Know You're a New Parent When....

1. You put a disposable diaper through the washer
2. You leave your purse in the cart at the grocery store
3. You almost miss church because you overslept after the last feeding
4. You have no idea what day of the week it is
5. You forget to pay rent
6. You wake up in a panic because the baby is upside down, only its not the baby, its the cat
7. You sway as you push the grocery cart minus the baby
8. You can't write or talk in complete sentences anymore
9. You aren't sure when you showered last
10. Eating 3 meals a day, feeding the cats and keeping the baby warm and fed is a successful day

In the fog of newborn life we're discovering new rhythms and a new perspective on worship- even the tiniest of mundane tasks is a liturgy in which we can praise God for this little life.
Here are a few shots from a day in our life:

Snuggles in the morning as Mama eats breakfast

Emmie = frenchman

Emmie = gnome

Meyer Lemon Cake- a burst of springtime in the middle of winter

Outfit Change No. 3 of the day

Our sweet babe is 12 weeks old. How did that happen?


  1. Great! We love the French gnome girl!! What a sweetie. Thanks.

  2. I'm on my 3rd child, when I wash a disposable diaper (and I have within the last 6 months) I wonder, what did I throw into the garbage instead?

    Congratz and hang in there. Important things to remember -
    1-it goes by so fast, so enjoy it.
    2-even the crazy stages go by fast, so enjoy it.
