Sunday, May 29, 2011

There and Back Again: Part I

So we went to New Hampshire this week to meet with our dissertation advisor and stopped a few places along the way

Ringing Rocks State Park- PA

The water was surprisingly low but we love waterfalls so we had to stop

Then we drove 5 hours and went to Wadsworth Falls State Park: Connecticut and it was a bit of a disappointment. The water was very low.  But we were glad to stretch a bit

This was a "Giant Laurel" and was really neat

A lovely wall in the sunlit afternoon

The lovely path we walked through the woods in Connecticut
Our advisor, Dr. Robin Leaver lives on the river in lovely Dover, New Hampshire
Adam and Dr. Leaver

1 comment:

  1. wow - what a trip! The scenery and waterfalls are so lovely. The books are really neat. Glad you made it safely and had a profitable time.
