Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sixteen Months

 Levi is 16 months! What a time he's having this summer.  He's changing so much and growing into himself, discovering aspects of the world all the time.  Some of his new favorites include picking raspberries off of the bushes ("baybays") and eating them as fast as possible. He's also fallen in love with books, which is always a delight to watch.  He looks for books with moons, tractors, kitties, rainbows, airplanes and bunny hop hops.  He loves to give kisses to everyone.  He still loves to drive his car and tractor, to hammer like Papa, and to taste cookies.  Sleep is still not something he's fond of, though he does ask for "pat pats" in his bed and likes to hold his pacifier in his hand.  Finally he's found a stuffed animal he loves, a kitty cat, and he sleeps with Titty every night now.  Levi is so chatty, telling us about everything and everyone.  "I see a tractor", "I see a hop hop", "Shut the door now", "Eww yucky" and "Aww aye aye" are some of his phrases we love.  So far he's not a big fan of the pool but does like playing with water in pots on the deck.  Levi loves his sisters so much and his face lights up if he hears them in another part of the house.  He also loves Papa's truck.  This month Levi had lots of scrapes and bruises.  He really hurt his nose and his parents wonder if he needs an ER subscription.  How time is flying! We love you Levi. 

1 comment:

  1. Boys are different than girls and we love them all the same. But he is, as are his sisters, born into a wonderful family. Go get em, Levi! Opa
