Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Quest of November

Most of these pictures seem blurry and that seems somehow fitting with the way November has been- a somewhat frantic attempt to see and capture joy in the midst of upside down days. For surely part of the joy is simply the finding of beauty in the mundane. We've spent many an hour outside, traipsing through the reservoir, crunching leaves, playing with chickens, drinking in sunlight in a few summer-like days, playing prairie girl, dressing up baby sister, stroking the kitty, learning new hymns together and finding a new and gentle rhythm to our days. Some highlights include french flashcards labeling most of our house, memorizing Shakespeare by marching around to the rhythm of the text, hearing cello in the background, listening to Lena read, and watching Phoebe dance. Usually November is my least favorite month of the year.  But somehow, this year, I see the beauty. 


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thoughts and beautiful pictures!! Thanks and much love from Oma ad Opa
