Saturday, May 19, 2018

You are Four

Dearest Lena,

You are four! You are an unstoppable force of energy and our darling little sprite. You are stubborn and strong, sensitive and gentle. You know your letters and numbers and are starting to put words together. You have discovered signs and like to read them to us as we drive by.  You adore your big sister and act like a twin might. You cannot stand to be alone.  You are shifting from a meat eater to a fruits and veggies kind of gal. You are tall for your age, in the 90% for height, 17 % for weight. You love animals and music and have perfect pitch we think. You do not like bugs. You have discovered books and spend hours with them. Your favorite thing to do right now is play in your "mud kitchen" in the back yard. You like riding bikes, going to parks, playing with dolls, especially Bernard, helping in the kitchen and being with people.  This year you have discovered that this world has sadness and you always want to pray for people and share your sunshine.  I pray that you will always want to be this way. We love you sweet Lena. May God bless you always.

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