Thursday, May 19, 2016


Dear Little One,

You are two. Happy Birthday sweet girlie. It seems rather epic that we've traveled two years since that day when suddenly, after four hours of labor, you were here. It is a marvel that after all those worries from placenta previa, you are a toddler. Lets chat about you now.  You are really something else Lena Sue. You are tender and kind, worried about all the ants and bugs that walk by. You notice the clouds (you call them cows) and the rain storms (you call it smoke). You mind the wind and the cold and the heat. You'd rather avoid car seats (sorry babe), high chairs and anything loud or scary like Papa's new tractor. You are very social. You love people, especially those you know well. You are still a big eater and love meat and soup best of all these days. You are working on your molars and lets just say you're not a happy teether.  Oh my. You are sleeping better now and ask to go to bed.  You are not keen on cuddling right now (never really have been) and prefer Papa for bedtime and stories. You are potty training yourself.  You can be stubborn but your moods usually blow over quickly, unless you are tired or hungry, in which case, you let us know about it. You love Emmeline so much and so desperately want to be like her. You ask for pig tails every day and search for your own undies. You want to play with her big girl toys and snuggle with her.  You love baby dolls and your make believe play has really developed. We love you Lena Lu. Happy Two! 

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