Tuesday, June 9, 2015


 This girl!! Emmeline is a wonder to us, and a hoot! She makes us laugh with her funny phrases and ideas.  I want to remember all of them forever because they show how smart she is and how silly and how the world appears to a 2.5 year old. Sometimes I think she is smarter than us because of her perspective.  Here are a few of her best phrases these days:

- yellow is my favorite (she mentions this everytime she sees anything yellow and sometimes it goes like this "yellow is my favorite, blue is papa's favorite, pink is lena's favorite (how do we know?), purple is mama's favorite". This girl could talk the hind leg off a mule

-I'm proud of you (when she has done something praiseworthy)

-I take a long nap (when she wakes up in the morning)

- Its still orange sunset Momma (when it isn't as dark as she'd like it to be at bedtime and she is stalling)

- Want to do a "poject" (any art craft)- her great love!

- I pooped a big one, do you like it (sorry tmi- but we're in the thick of potty training and so there's a lot of this kind of conversation going on these days and this girl is SO proud).

- Naming her friends: Henty (Henry), Nina (Lena), Skylar (kyler)

-The way she says "sure" is kind of like "sür" - just like Sammy, her cousin did

-That flower is melting (when it has died)

-Motorcycles are microsotls

-I want to read a magazina (love the Italian Em)

-Jesus is ALIVE, no more in the stone

-Grandmom living with Jesus, through sky.

Although we have our days of training and discipline, these are precious days with our Em. She is discovering her world and talking all about it! It is so much fun.  Can you tell which picture is of momma- I threw that in just to document that Emmie has somehow gotten Momma's wisp thin baby hair.  :)

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