Thursday, February 19, 2015

Nine Months

Dearest Lena,

You are nine months old today.  This is a magical time of your life and I want to remember so many things about you.  Wee little lady, you are our precious girl and you and your sister Emmeline bring joy to our days.  You are on the move. Just this past weekend you began to crawl.  You think you're just the smartest thing and found the cat dish right away! You have four teeth and a bit more fuzzy brown hair.  Your eyes are still amazing us with their  beautiful combination of blue, grey, green.  You love to clap and play peek a boo, to rock back and forth in your high chair, to jump in your jumper.  You now usually take one good morning nap and the rest we still have to work on. You love water and have taken to dipping your face in and laughing in glee.  You have discovered that you don't like sharing or waiting. You love to touch buttons, hair, glasses, beards, teeth, socks and shoe laces.  You love to eat and eat everything except for bananas. When someone sings to you, your body relaxes and you calm almost instantly.  You are the most genuine little person I know- when you are happy you are so very happy and when you are sad you are so very sad. There's really no middle ground with you. You despise getting your face wiped and pajamas put on, especially the top button. We've traveled through your first winter sweet baby and though we're still enduring the arctic freeze here I am thinking ahead to spring and to the time when we will have traveled a whole year with your glorious little being. 

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