Monday, January 12, 2015

Emmeline: 27 months

Dear Emmie:
I want to remember so many things about you at this age. I want to remember your newest words: "fantastic, actually, Dieffenbach, cute".  I want to remember your polite "yes please", your "want to close eyes" when tired or "eat lunch" whenever hungry. I want to remember you "reading God's Word" to your babies and it sounding something like this: Lord is my Shipard, I shall want....makes me down lie pastures" and when you say "thank youne" and " hurtsa".  I want to remember your newfound love of shrugging when asked a question and your silly grin when you know you're a nut. I want to remember your beauty- your fine hair finally growing long, your sky blue eyes and sweet little mouth. I want to remember your love of certain books: Richard Scarry, Curious George, Moo La La and books with lots and lots of items on the page. I want to remember that at only 24 months you can count to 15, known the first 16 presidents, 3 states and the first 4 catechism questions. I want to remember your confusion at Abraham Lincoln and Abraham and Isaac, at Papa's organ playing an Oregon.  I want to remember your love of dancing with Papa, building towers, coloring circles, listening to musical instruments and helping Momma cook.  I want to remember your gentle soul, of your tears when Lena is sad and when you feel hurt about something. I want to remember the meals you've recently cooked us: milk soup, fried watermelon, lots of tea and chocolate.  I want to remember your love of routine, the way you know which students come on which days. I want to remember the way you go to sleep: bath with Lena, (quick now because you don't love baths), snuggle, robe, books on the big bed, pitter patter of little feet to your own bed, snuggle in deep, "love you", "tuck in".  I want to remember your valiant efforts on the potty, of your pride at success.  I want to remember your careful love of Lena who is still Nina to you. I want to remember you, Emmeline, at this age, forever. You are our beloved girl!

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