Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Six Months!

Dear Lena,

Dearest girl, you are half a year old and we marvel at God's goodness to us in sending us our second daughter. We can't imagine our life without you.  This last month you have fallen deeply in love with Emmeline. She is your sunshine and your face lights up when you see or hear her. You are rolling and scooting and grabbing and pulling.  You are eating lots of foods and don't seem to dislike anything! You are around fourteen pounds and 25 inches tall. Your eyes are still blue and your hair, well, what we can see, is light brown.  You have the tiniest little features and a sweet little mouth. You like to sing and coo, shriek and cry.  You like things that crinkle and have tags. You love light through lace curtains and prisms that send rainbows over our kitchen.  You love Papa's beard and face.  You like to grab cat ears and fur.  You are starting to enjoy baths and splash enough to scare yourself.  You do not like loud noises or the carseat, lying on your back for long or getting dressed.  You love the piano and start to calm down if we listen to music. Happy Half Year Birthday baby Lena! How we love you!

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