Thursday, March 27, 2014

Celebrating the everyday ordinary

Spring is taking its good old time in arriving.  But thats ok because when you have a toddler any day and any experience can be a celebration.  A friend recently gifted us with leftover balloons and my goodness- what excited shrieks have filled our house this week.  Balloons are so fun!  Then we decided that despite the anemic grass, wind and cool temperature we'd go outside and pretend it was spring.  Pushing baby was a huge success (this bodes well for future summer months with a new baby) and picking up sticks also a fun task. We rocked on the front porch and watched cars drive by, we saw birds fly by and discovered a few more bulbs bravely declaring winter's end.  It just goes to show that every day is a gift and we can celebrate the simple things.  It takes a baby to remind a winter-weary Momma. 

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