Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sixteen Months

 Dear Emmie B,

You are sixteen months old. In one way that doesn't seem possible. Weren't you just born? But in another, you've learned and grown so much that I have to pinch myself to remind myself you are actually only sixteen months.  You are twenty-two pounds and 30 inches tall! You are so busy. You move all the time. You love to rock on chairs, climb on chairs, climb on tables, hide behind things and ride your bike. You kick in your crib to go to sleep.  You are such a wonderful helper. You love to carry things to the laundry basket, to put things away, to sort jars and cans in the cupboard, to feed the cats and wash your hands. You know how to put shoes and clothes on by yourself and can use a spoon successfully.  You can come up and down the steps holding the railing and a hand. You read books out loud and your vocabulary is amazing.  You know the sounds of cat, dog, chicken, cow, pig, horse, sheep and bunny.  You still love birds, early music such as Rameau and Bach, peas, blueberries, strawberries and yogurt.  You are making great strides in independence and can transition to people you do not know and befriend them after a few minutes.  You finally like to cuddle and offer kisses, hugs and snuggles to pictures of babies and cats and even your bath toys.  You've begun to mother your baby dolls, which is good news for the adventure arriving in a few months.  Your greatest joys include dancing with your papa, playing outside when it is not cold or snowy, playing with your cousins, discovering the sound of new words and learning to identify new pictures.  Sweet baby girl you are a toddler and we delight in you. We rejoice that you are obedient and polite, in your "amens" at dinner and in the the joyful nature that bubbles out of you.  We love you Emmie B, our beautiful little girl!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 16 months from Oma and Opa! We rejoice with you all - XOXO and lots of love
