Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our days.... in photos

 As Emmeline reaches two weeks and 3 days we continue to marvel at this 
sweet baby who fills our days with joy.  Even during the hard, sleepless nights our hearts are thankful.
She smiles, coos, grunts and does a striking replication of the Canadian Goose honk.  Our days are full of her and pretty much little else.

Emmeline's First Bath

Sleeping with Papa

Breakfast- trying to encourage Emma to be happy.

One of her first smiles

Piano Lessons have begun

1 comment:

  1. Wow - thanks for your encouraging words in your greeting! We are so hoping that Emmie will quickly grow out of this difficult stage and the happy times will far outnumber the crying ones. The pictures are just beautiful. Thanks for the nice birthday photos, too! God bless you all from oma and opa.
