Monday, July 30, 2012

It's that time again

It's mid-summer and so that means it's time for the great canning
extravaganza.  Since our garden is thriving this year we've put up
zucchini, yellow squash, tomato sauce, pickles and peaches.  
Being 7 months pregnant makes the next few goals a bit impossible (applesauce,
pears, more tomatoes) but we'll see what transpires first- baby or more canning.
As it was last year- canning corresponds to thesis writing. This year Adam prepares his
thesis for differentation. As you can see- Maggie helps a lot by sitting on the books. 

1 comment:

  1. nice! Puts me to shame - guess I'll get a basket of cucumbers to pickle and our red beets are ready. Our tomatoes are starting now, and boy, are they good! Well, make sure to rest whenever you can!
