Thursday, June 28, 2012

Four Years....

 Its been four years since:
that difficult, but beautiful  day- our hospital wedding where we committed
to each other in the valley of the shadow of death- as Mom began her way to heaven.
(May 18-2008)
since we committed to love and cherish each other,
Tenth Presbyterian Church
(June 28th, 2008)
since dear pastors and friends and family joined us to celebrate
God's faithfulness in weaving our lives together
Since we began our journey of together.

We've been lots of places together
To Ireland and Oxford and two simultaneous Phds
(what were we thinking?)
We've laughed and cried together 
walked and talked together

We've lived in Four places in Four Years and have tales to tell
about each place

We've had 10 jobs between the two of us in four years: thrown together concerts
research, canning, gardening in the fringes of long days.

We've solved all the worlds problems at nearby parks, even wrote half
our dissertations that way too

Here's the journey God has faithfully brought us through and we rejoice!
(Engagement Night where A fell asleep on this chair for an hour after
we arrived home to tell J's family)

And how blessed I have been.  Here's to more adventures and laughter, growing together
and growing in grace.  I'll love you always.....

(And here's to our latest adventure-coming soon)

1 comment:

  1. so beautiful - thanks for the wonderful reminders because your faithfulness is a wonderful testimony and encouragement for the rest of us!
    love, mom and dad D.
