Monday, February 27, 2012

2012: The Year of Tolkien (and friends)

2012 marks for us the Year of Tolkien in which we plan to read all of Tolkien (or re-read) and since we're almost finished the Lord of the Rings and it's only February, we may branch out to read the works of his friends, the Inklings.  After the big works of Tolkien we will enjoy the lesser known:
-Leaf by Niggle
-Mr. Bliss
-Tree and Leaf
-The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth

In devoting a year (or how ever long it takes us) to the wonderful writings of this author we feel as if we are spending time with him in his study by the fire, talking over his Noble characters and  finding our own Mines of Moiria in our daily lives.  Join us if you like!


  1. Ok, so I'm not as far along the the LOTR's as you are, but I'm actually reading the books as apposed to listening to them unlike another guy I know. I am really glad that you are reading through Tolkien. I've really enjoyed my time in the books too.

  2. I just restarted LOTR a week ago, haha! I love what reading Tolkien does for my imagination.
