Monday, August 8, 2011

An August week in pictures

Our homemade Terrarium: For a long time we've wanted to try this out.  Then
our cookie jar failed its given job and found a new job as a terrarium.

We gathered ferns and moss from the Perkiomen Trail and voila!
The experiment has begun- so far so good.  It smells like a greenhouse inside.
We made pickles this year from Reba's cucumbers and our pale green/yellow ones. 

We boiled the jars

We gathered our pickling spices
  We made spaghetti sauce as the jars boiled,

We plan to can sauce when more tomatoes come in. But crock pot sauce for
the freezer is always a useful way to use up ripe tomatoes when one
can't eat them all.  In the middle of winter this is a welcome treat.

We stuffed our jars with cucumbers and spices (probably not too well)

Then the fun began

Adam pickling

On Saturday we went to meet Jaylynn Ralston- the daughter of our friends
 Dean and Jess. What a sweet little baby.

In other news- Claude has become an outside cat once again and has
rediscovered his love of trees

Lovely flowers from my Aunt

1 comment:

  1. wow - what a busy week! The sauce looks yummy and the pickles will be a tasty treat. What a cool terrarium - hope it thrives - they are so refreshing. Hope Claude stays in the trees and not the road! The heat and humidity are just too much. Hoping for relief tomorrow. TTFN!
