It is deep summer. You can tell because the evenings are beginning to feel like mountain nights and the crickets sing their song all the time. Autumn is creeping closer and we seem to be trying to squeeze the last bit of summer joy into these golden August days. Emmeline is 34 months now and acting ever so grown up. The potty is going so well and she knows her ABCs and many numbers. Suddenly she's needing 3T clothing and bigger shoes and has taken an interest in combing her own hair and doing everything by herself. Lena is walking all the time now and we have arrived in the world of two toddlers. Lena counts 1, 2, 3 and could also 'talk the hind leg off a mule'. Right now Momma's ears are tired, but blessed by these girlies. We've had sad days as 8 teeth continue to plague poor baby girl. But we've tried to distract in any number of ways with park time, cousin time and art Fridays. As Momma makes final edits on the never ending thesis in the wee hours of the morning God sustains us and Papa keeps us all sane.

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