Dear Lena Lu,
You are 15 months old! You are walking!! Just like that, two weekends ago, you decided it was time and you went from doing only tiny timid steps to running. You are quite pleased with yourself and we're excited too! Emmie is especially thrilled to have a partner for kitchen laps. The cats, are not so happy. But oh, what a busy little toddler you are becoming! You are a talker and right now your favorite words are "baby, cup cup, drink, eat, I did it, Papa, where is she, Memmie and long strings of words we're still learning. You must have Bernard for comfort times, naps and bedtime. He is your beloved dollie. You still suck two fingers and do not want to give up nursing. You are 20 pounds and I'm not sure how long- but long!! You're in 12 month clothing, though some 9 months still fit you just fine. You are growing hair- light brown/dark blond? We're not sure yet. Your eyes seem hazel or blue. You are such a strong little person, opinionated and stubborn. You love dogs hysterically, you love beards, cranberry juice, sausage, and your physical therapist, Sharon. You hate pools and sprinklers but you adore bath time. You are finally getting interested in books and carry them around showing us all the babies in books. You are a climber and a monkey, getting into everything. You do just about everything on your own terms, in your own time, in your own beautiful way. Somehow 15 months seems unbelievable to me since you're still so baby-like, still so tiny. You still nestle in to rock and cuddle when you are tired and have started giving hugs and kisses, pointing to eyes and noses. We're so proud of you little Lena! How we love you.
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