Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September Arrives

September is here, but we're still trying to squeeze a little more summer out of our days. We went home to Lebanon for Labor Day and had a lovely corn roast with the family.  There was lots of baby cuddles, cousins playing and Momma riding in the back on the way home. Emmie ate 2 ears of corn!
Our days are full of big sister reading to little sister, helping change diapers, silly bath time hair and jewelry playing time. Sweet Emmie is growing long hair now and looking more like a girlie than baby as each day rolls along. I thought I would be sad about that but somehow the beauty of her growth and development, her awareness of the world, her ability to understand and carry on conversations makes me just treasure these moments.  Little Lena Loo is getting some more cheeks now and is chatting away, telling us stories and laughing all day long.  She delights in watching Emmie's face and listening to her noise.  I can tell they are already the best of friends.


1 comment:

  1. Great photos!! So many happy times and faces! We love the wash line header, too - something of everyone in your dear family. Much love to all - XOXO, love, Umpa and Lumpa
