Friday, September 19, 2014

Four Months

Dear Lena,
   You are Four Months old sweet baby girl! As Autumn really starts arriving and Emmeline's second birthday approaches I'm amazed by the passage of time.  Our girls are growing!  You're still a tiny little baby but you can roll over, grab things, pull Momma's hair, reach out to big sister.  Your eyes are still blue and your hair is coming in more and more.  It is light brown at the moment. Your fingers are very long.  You are wearing 3 month clothing.  You hate bath time and mostly want to be cuddled or held.  Sleeping is not your cup of tea.  You are very social and your eyes light up as soon as you spot someone you love.  You babble all the time unless you are screaming.  Mirrors fascinate you and the cats perplex you.  You do not like pacifiers or bottles. But you love sucking on your fingers. That is how you fall asleep.  This week Oma spent two days with us when Papa went to Virginia. We had a girls night out and lots of fun times.  We've also spent many evenings at the park, walking and walking to try to calm you and sliding and swinging with Emmie B.  Emmie is such a big girl now who chatters and make believes, cooks us dinner and makes grocery stores on the steps.  She loves you very much and tries so hard to comfort you when you are sad.  She also plugs her ears and tells you "All done cry Nina".  Ah yes, you are currently Nina around here to little E. Happy Four Months baby girl.  Here's to an easier, happier next month, to more sleep and lots of rejoicing in your precious life. How we love you! 

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