Monday, January 27, 2025

Deep Winter

I don't know about you but it's deep winter here and we've been hibernating.  Days are spent in imaginary worlds with tea and book breaks sprinkled here and there. We've been studying World War 1 and also Hungary and Austria around the beginning of the War.  In light of that we met with friends for a geography dinner (another in our series of Around the World in 80 dinners) and the children dressed up as best they could to look like Austrians.  We took a field trip to the Apple Butter Factory and  had our yearly History Meal. This time we cooked a World War II meal that included Leek soup, Welsh cakes (Bara Brith), Spam, Anzac Biscuits. We were dressed up in the style of evacuees (the children). We've had snow around for a while and freezing temps that have required full time wood stove attention and chicken care.  But a few days were especially fun and Narnia like.  (Otherwise we're pretty much ready for spring). Levi's latest favorite thing is carrying around cases of any kind. He loves to carry the violins (he calls them his cello) or lunchbox and feels like a big boy!! 



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