Levi is 18 months old. So many changes have taken place in this last month and I want to remember them all. Although Levi continues to love tractors, he has discovered that not all things with wheels are tractors and has been quite amazed by cement trucks, trash trucks, airplanes, bulldozers and trains. He has discovered tools and loves to hammer like Papa. He continues in his attempts to dismantle things and put them back together, loves wearing socks and shoes ("ocks") and ("soos"). He will say the entire alphabet with help. He has become a climber, a runner and loves fencing (he pretends to sword fight). He calls Maggie (our cat) Baggie and it is the funniest thing in the world. His words are in complete sentences now, "Baggie where are ooh". He also loves his "pinkles" (pickles) He knows all of his body parts and thinks counting and colors are really fun. He loves tubby time and says "ahhh" when he gets in the warm water. He does not like elevators or diaper changes, car seats or the word no. Sleep still eludes him but we know a bit more why and we're working on it! He can play independently chattering away to his cars and building magna-tile stacks. But he loves playing with Beebe and when he is sad he wants Mamie or Nayna. Levi is so tall for his age and has huge feet. He is in 12-18 month clothing. He loves belly buttons and making his family laugh. He loves to say AMEN. He has discovered the word CAKE. We love our little guy and can't believe he has grown so much!
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