Sunday, January 14, 2024

Levi turns Ten Months

Right after Christmas, Levi turned ten months old.  This takes my breathe away a bit as I'm vividly recalling Christmas last year, being ever so pregnant, and wondering if little boy would arrive early. (He most certainly did not!) Time may be a thief but life is a delight, even if we still aren't sleeping. Levi at ten months is certainly on the move and is on the cusp of walking. He is discovering all of the joys of home and hearth, including cupboards, door stops, bookshelves, cellos, potties and cat bowls. Whew- we are busy and I'm still relearning (fourth go around) how to cook and teach with a busy baby.  Having a boy seems ever so different as he zooms everything, including pots with potatoes he pulled out of the cupboard, wooden spoons, brooms and his beloved tractor. Levi is a motor mouth with a vocabulary of over 30 words. This seems amazing to us and perplexing in the middle of the night.  His current favorites include: uh oh, tractor, beep beep, kitty, all done, tweet tweet, hot, phew, and his beloved star (which is discovered at Christmastime). Levi loves to eat and enjoys meat, rice, noodles, applesauce, avocado, prunes and noodles. He loves things that make noise like the vacuum,  blender, Papa's tools, windchimes, door bells and music. He continues to match pitch and "sing" when we sing our evening hymn.  He just enjoyed his first snow and unlike my other babies, he loved it.  He laughed!!! Levi keeps us on our toes and makes us laugh. We can't imagine that we'd not met him yet a year ago.  Thank you Lord for Levi. 


1 comment:

  1. how right you are about time flying by while it seems to stand still!! Thanks for the loving "picture" of our little Levi, and the super photos. Opa and Oma are smiling and trying to figure out how to make a phone wallpaper........
