In other news, the big sisters have been equally busy growing and learning. February is flying by with many happenings including lots of cooking, growing crystals and making neckalces, terrarium building, piano practice and a Narnia themed feast on Valentine's Day with good friends. Our trip through the wardrobe came after finishing the first two books. We had such fun decorating our home to look like Narnia and created a four course meal with stops at the White Witch's sleigh, tea with Mr. Tumnus, dinner with the Beavers and Aslan's Victory Feast. We're onto the next book and look forward to many more themed dinners. Although the weather has been odd this winter, we've stayed busy and cozy, and have ventured outside for sunshine many a day.
Wow - that was quite a fashion show!! Cool. Loved the Valentine's Day event, and the lovely flowers and delivery boy! Thanks for keeping us up with these precious girlies. XOXO, love, Opa and Oma