Thursday, December 1, 2016

Prepare Him Room

Advent means something especially beautiful this year because two Little People are really beginning to understand what it means to "prepare Him room".  As we light our Advent candle, and add ornaments to our Jesse Tree, even Lena knows the truth. Adam did a no no and Jesus was born. There it is in the simple truth.  As the brokenness of the world washes over our lives, we cling ever closer to the Savior who has come as a babe, so save the lost. The weary world does indeed rejoice.

Bluebirds have been frequenting the cherry tree on our porch and they are cheering everyone up, especially the cats. Snuggles, painting, glitter, boot weather and milkshakes all make up our first week in Advent.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the super explanation of Christmas! So blessed by your wonderful testimony and the great photos! Thanks and much love from Oma and Opa
