Saturday, December 19, 2015

Nineteen Months

Lena. You are 19 months old today! You are precisely the age your sister was when you were born and though she felt so grown up because you were so small, you still feel like our baby.  You are 21 pounds and 34 inches tall. Your eyes are now what I would call hazel grey and your hair a tad lighter than Emmie's but growing in fine wisps and fluffs. Our poor girlie, you are just getting over a double ear/sinus infection where you spiked a fever of 105 and had seizures. You're a brave little thing in spite of feeling just plain rotten.  Your most favorite thing to do is read books with pictures of children or animals. You're starting to pretend play and love babies. Recently you and Emmeline have been playing the Nativity. You are always Joseph. You adore your sister with a passion she sometimes can't fathom and want to do everything she is doing. You love being given tasks. In fact Emmie likes to give you her trash to throw away or shoes to put away.  I see how it is. But you willingly go and do. You are tender hearted and sensitive and bawl your eyes out if you think you've offended or if your feelings are hurt.  But oh, you are strong willed too. You are so smart and are a could "talk the hind leg off a mule" though sometimes we can't translate all the words.  Your favorite things to say right now are "I'm hungry", "Read a book", "See ya", "What's that", "Here I am", "Bye Bye", "I want......", "Please".  You are hungry for ideas.  You are so busy and can't sit still long. You still don't sleep well, especially the last few weeks". You love the outside, Papa, Grandparents, smoothies, and dogs.  You are our gift, little one. We treasure you. 

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