Christmas has come and gone....... Christmas with two littles is a bit of a blur, but it was special to watch Emmie marvel a bit more this year at Baby Jesus. Our Christmas began on Christmas Eve Eve when we spent time with our dear friends, the Laforets. Then we had Christmas No.1 and Christmas No. 2 which were filled to the brim with the Kleeman half of the family over for brunch and then our trip to Lebanon on Saturday to continue celebrations. Emmie was delighted with the musical instruments and wooden blocks we chose for her gifts. Lena was happy to watch and continue her crawling/sitting exploits. After a bit of exhaustion Emmeline spent Christmas afternoon in her art smock exploring her new easel. We had two sleepy girls on the way home from our Lebanon Christmas after a fun day of being together and a dinner out with siblings and spouses. We left all the grandkids with Oma and Opa. And they survived! 2014 was a difficult year for our household, and we are ready for a new year. But like the Israelites who marked God's faithfulness with standing stones, especially in difficult seasons, we shout En Gedi! God has been with us and has been faithful!

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