Sunday, January 18, 2015

Eight Months

Dearest Lena,

Happy eight months, baby girl!  You are such a wee little peanut it is especially hard to fathom that you have been with us so long. Yet at the same time I can't imagine we ever lived without you.  You are our sweet girl who is finally (praise God) sleeping better sometimes and crying less. You are around 15 pounds and are in size 6 month clothing. But you can sit up now and scoot around on your tummy. You are not a big fan of crawling. though, and prefer to bounce.  You want to move all the time and love the johnny jump up best.  You do some epic circles in it and I think it makes you feel like a big girl like sister Emmie who is dancing nearby you.  You sing lullabies to yourself to go to sleep, play peek a boo and wave a bit.  You babble "mama, dada, papa". You like to clench your fists and shake them when you get mad.  This usually happens when you're done being in your high chair and want to bounce. You love bath time, especially with Emmie.  She is your sunshine and you watch her every move.  You love faces, light, buttons, necklaces and bells.  You hate getting your arms in clothing and snaps make you furious. Your eyes are blue green and your hair (what there is of it) seems to be brown.  You love peas, oatmeal, applesauce, sweet potatoes, pears and broth. But mostly you like to pick up your own food now and feed yourself. You seem to be always hungry and tired. You're still uninterested in bottles, pacifiers and spoons. When you're happy you are so very happy and when you're sad you are so very sad.  You are starting to enjoy books.  You have two teeth and are working on some more we think. Darling girlie how we love you and ask God to bless and keep you. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Emmeline: 27 months

Dear Emmie:
I want to remember so many things about you at this age. I want to remember your newest words: "fantastic, actually, Dieffenbach, cute".  I want to remember your polite "yes please", your "want to close eyes" when tired or "eat lunch" whenever hungry. I want to remember you "reading God's Word" to your babies and it sounding something like this: Lord is my Shipard, I shall want....makes me down lie pastures" and when you say "thank youne" and " hurtsa".  I want to remember your newfound love of shrugging when asked a question and your silly grin when you know you're a nut. I want to remember your beauty- your fine hair finally growing long, your sky blue eyes and sweet little mouth. I want to remember your love of certain books: Richard Scarry, Curious George, Moo La La and books with lots and lots of items on the page. I want to remember that at only 24 months you can count to 15, known the first 16 presidents, 3 states and the first 4 catechism questions. I want to remember your confusion at Abraham Lincoln and Abraham and Isaac, at Papa's organ playing an Oregon.  I want to remember your love of dancing with Papa, building towers, coloring circles, listening to musical instruments and helping Momma cook.  I want to remember your gentle soul, of your tears when Lena is sad and when you feel hurt about something. I want to remember the meals you've recently cooked us: milk soup, fried watermelon, lots of tea and chocolate.  I want to remember your love of routine, the way you know which students come on which days. I want to remember the way you go to sleep: bath with Lena, (quick now because you don't love baths), snuggle, robe, books on the big bed, pitter patter of little feet to your own bed, snuggle in deep, "love you", "tuck in".  I want to remember your valiant efforts on the potty, of your pride at success.  I want to remember your careful love of Lena who is still Nina to you. I want to remember you, Emmeline, at this age, forever. You are our beloved girl!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Longwood Gardens

We took a jaunt to Longwood Gardens this week and were delighted to breathe spring, even if temporarily.  Emmeline was enraptured by the fountains, though she couldn't understand why such inviting water was off limits for swimming. We especially enjoyed the newly renovated Children's Garden that had steaming, jumping and raining water throughout. Even Lena laughed and splashed.  

On a holiday

We've been on a holiday together this week between Christmas and New Years.  Some days have been simple days at home.  But there have  been lots of evenings by the fire, snuggles and books in the morning, playing and painting, singing and dancing.  There have been library puppet shows and Lena getting stuck under the couch.  Cookie baking, sour dough bread making and french pork loin Julia Child style have filled our house with lovely smells. We've passed through the darkest day of the year and begun a new year.  Here's to many more adventures together and to growing deeper in the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 

and just like that....

Christmas has come and gone.......  Christmas with two littles is a bit of a blur, but it was special to watch Emmie marvel a bit more this year at Baby Jesus.  Our Christmas began on Christmas Eve Eve when we spent time with our dear friends, the Laforets.  Then we had Christmas No.1 and Christmas No. 2 which were filled to the brim with the Kleeman half of the family over for brunch and then our trip to Lebanon on Saturday to continue celebrations. Emmie was delighted with the musical instruments and wooden blocks we chose for her gifts. Lena was happy to watch and continue her crawling/sitting exploits.  After a bit of exhaustion Emmeline spent Christmas afternoon in her art smock exploring her new easel.  We had two sleepy girls on the way home from our Lebanon Christmas after a fun day of being together and a dinner out with siblings and spouses. We left all the grandkids with Oma and Opa. And they survived!  2014 was a difficult year for our household, and we are ready for a new year. But like the Israelites who marked God's faithfulness with standing stones, especially in difficult seasons, we shout En Gedi! God has been with us and has been faithful!