Saturday, October 18, 2014

You are Two!

Dear Emmeline,

Happy second birthday sweet Emmie B! You are two! What a time we've had these last two years and how you've grown.  What a complex and joyful little personage you've become.  You are so smart! I know I'm biased because I'm your Momma, just are.  You love learning new things: words, colors, shapes, animals, sounds, instruments, food, emotions, tasks and ideas.  You are a wee bit shy in new situations or in crowds of people. You have a strong dislike of disorder or disruption to routine. You are very sensitive and cry when someone else is sad or has a boo boo. You cry when Lena is sad and let us know when you are feeling sad.  You love music but what surprises us is your amazing rhythm. You love to dance and move and you seem almost athletic, which is remarkable considering your parents.  You love the outdoors and find solitude outside a way to calm down after a busy day. You like to collect leaves or sticks, beans or bugs and watch birds. You like your space.  You like to cuddle but only at night.  Right now you are struck by the moon and it's uncanny ability to re-appear each night. You think squirrels are hilarious and your favorite animal is the owl.  You are a nurturer and care for your babies and animals so gently. Sometimes we even have Mommy and baby carrots.  You are perplexed by the changing seasons, by weather, by years, by clocks and metronomes.  You are 25 pounds and 31 inches tall. You wear size 2T pants and 18 month shirts. Your eyes are deep blue and your hair is light brown with golden highlights. You like to put bows in it now and may be ready for your first haircut soon.  You can put on your own clothes and shoes, open doors, water plants, stir with a spoon and use silverware. You can drink from a big cup and adore straws. You love to read and are handing off many board books to your sister. You love Richard Scary, Curious George, books about farmyards, moons, colors, word books and Bible stories.  You know the beginning of Psalm 23 and the first 3 catechism questions. You sing a unique arrangement of songs including the latest "O Come O Come Emmanuel". You understand that Grandmom is in heaven with Jesus.  You love to paint, color, sew, draw circles and play play dough. 
You are learning to obey, to trust, to listen and to honor God.  You love being a big sister and though Lena's first 5 months have been difficult for all of us, the crying did not stop you from falling in love with her.  You share your most beloved things with her and she thinks you are the cat's meow. 
You are our joy and delight. How can it possibly be two years already?  Happy Birthday.

Momma and Papa

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