Lena is crawling and Emmie is drawing A's and smiley faces. I can't keep up with these two girlies! Here are some pictures to remember these days: 2 years and 5 months!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Golden Days
It has been a whirl of birthday festivities, appointments, lessons and outside time as we try to savor the sunlight and warm air before the weather changes. Seasons seem so black and white to a toddler. When Emmie asked to go to the beach the other day I responded by saying that it was too cold now and we'd have to wait until next summer. She then asked for snow since the beach seemed to be turned off. I told her it wasn't quite cold enough for snow and she just scowled at me. If it is rainy then Emmie assumes we can still go out if we wear enough hats and ask 'Itsy' (the spider) to go away. With a hospital visit for Papa, a kidney stone for Momma and two teething babes lets just say we're ready for a fresh week. Still, there is much to be thankful for: two sweet sisters who are beginning to discover they are playmates, sunshine days, warm cups of tea in the morning and a gracious Heavenly Father who holds us all in His hands. Here are some pictures from our week.
Four girls: 3 days apart and 5 days apart, 2 years apart. Ha!! |
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Great-Grandmother (Nana) who turns 90 this month is such a good sport! Emmie said 'Nana drive' and so she did. |
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Five Months
Dear Lena,
You are five months old. We've almost traveled through half a year together and it feels surrealistic because the newborn "survival mode" hasn't worn off yet in our house. Dear baby girl, you have had such a rough start. I've come to see God's gracious hand protecting you in the womb and now outside because of all the struggles you have had with some normal baby functions. We spent two days in the hospital this month, trying to figure out what has pained you so. We've had test after test, which you courageously put up with. You have been so tired- going 3 days straight without any sleeping and we're trying so hard to figure it out. We can only trust you to the Great Physician who formed you and loves you better than we ever could.
In spite of this Lena you are making remarkable strides. Though you're still a wee little lady, you can roll over, hold your head up and sort of scoot around a bit. You can pass objects from one hand to another and put them into your mouth. We think teeth are on their way. You just discovered you have ears and think it is quite funny to hold them. You also discovered the fortissimo volume in both your speaking voice and crying. You sing when you are happy and Emmie thinks you are singing "Oly Oly". Maybe you are. You weigh 13 pounds, are 24 inches long and have light brown hair (we think) and deep blue eyes. You have long fingers and a sweet little chin. The only way to calm you is by bouncing and walking. You slept longer than 4 hours at night two times in your little life and they both happened after not sleeping 3 days in a row. You are strong and like to stand and push up. You seem laid back and happy underneath all the troubles (at least we think). But you also seem really interested in the world around you, sensitive to stimuli and a people person. You adore Emmie, Papa's Emery Brothers Logo on his shirt, ribbons, music, applesauce and your fingers. You can't sleep without them. Happy Five Months Lena Sue. How we love you. How about some happy, sleepy days this next month, ok?
Momma and Papa
Saturday, October 18, 2014
You are Two!
Dear Emmeline,
Happy second birthday sweet Emmie B! You are two! What a time we've had these last two years and how you've grown. What a complex and joyful little personage you've become. You are so smart! I know I'm biased because I'm your Momma, but...you just are. You love learning new things: words, colors, shapes, animals, sounds, instruments, food, emotions, tasks and ideas. You are a wee bit shy in new situations or in crowds of people. You have a strong dislike of disorder or disruption to routine. You are very sensitive and cry when someone else is sad or has a boo boo. You cry when Lena is sad and let us know when you are feeling sad. You love music but what surprises us is your amazing rhythm. You love to dance and move and you seem almost athletic, which is remarkable considering your parents. You love the outdoors and find solitude outside a way to calm down after a busy day. You like to collect leaves or sticks, beans or bugs and watch birds. You like your space. You like to cuddle but only at night. Right now you are struck by the moon and it's uncanny ability to re-appear each night. You think squirrels are hilarious and your favorite animal is the owl. You are a nurturer and care for your babies and animals so gently. Sometimes we even have Mommy and baby carrots. You are perplexed by the changing seasons, by weather, by years, by clocks and metronomes. You are 25 pounds and 31 inches tall. You wear size 2T pants and 18 month shirts. Your eyes are deep blue and your hair is light brown with golden highlights. You like to put bows in it now and may be ready for your first haircut soon. You can put on your own clothes and shoes, open doors, water plants, stir with a spoon and use silverware. You can drink from a big cup and adore straws. You love to read and are handing off many board books to your sister. You love Richard Scary, Curious George, books about farmyards, moons, colors, word books and Bible stories. You know the beginning of Psalm 23 and the first 3 catechism questions. You sing a unique arrangement of songs including the latest "O Come O Come Emmanuel". You understand that Grandmom is in heaven with Jesus. You love to paint, color, sew, draw circles and play play dough.
You are learning to obey, to trust, to listen and to honor God. You love being a big sister and though Lena's first 5 months have been difficult for all of us, the crying did not stop you from falling in love with her. You share your most beloved things with her and she thinks you are the cat's meow.
You are our joy and delight. How can it possibly be two years already? Happy Birthday.
Momma and Papa
Monday, October 13, 2014
On Sunday we joyfully celebrated Lena's baptism and Emmeline's second birthday. These girls are such a blessing to us and God is good. The weekend itself was surreal as we spent a night and a day in the hospital with Lena after her doctor was worried about an obstruction. Tests came back mostly normal, we came home and life carried on as usual. Emmie was blessed with some pretty special gifts- a tricycle, a hand made doll bed and bedding, kitchen items, books and tractors, dollhouse items. They all seem to make her such a big girl. Check out these faces. In spite of not sleeping for 3 days and nights, Lena somehow did not cry during her baptism and had a happy day. She continues to amaze us. We are praising God for two years with Emmie, four and a half months with Lena and God's goodness to us in the gift of our children.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Applesaucing with Littles
We made applesauce- lots and lots of it. I think we canned 30 quarts. It was a different experience this year, applesaucing with two littles. But it is a delight to watch Emmeline experience a new task through fresh eyes. She kept saying "smell nice" and "ooh". Lena wasn't particularly interested in anything but crying that day as she's been going through a rough patch again but hey, we did it and our pantry is overflowing with good things for the doldrums of winter. Tomatoes, sauce and pears though- not this year. The Cortland apples were particularly red this year and it tastes so good. Yeah for one accomplishment, even in the middle of colicky babyland. Yeah for crowns at breakfast and sweet knitted hats for the littlest among us.
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